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How Googel and Googol Looks In Google Trends

Posted by Challenger | Friday, May 16, 2008 | , | 0 comments »

Recently I tried to search in the google trends search engine the word google but I accidentally mispelled it by the word googel. You know what happened next? I was amazed when I see the results of the word googel that you may also found here.

When I try to open in my browser the link googel.com it will redirects to the main google.com page. To satisfy my search I also checked the whois information and I found out the domain is also owned by google.com.

The same thing happened to the word googol. Googel is the misspelling from the word google which is a misspelling also from the word googol which means is the large number 10100, that is, the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeros (in decimal representation).

The word googel and googol are now being used most of the bloggers for the SEO purposes.
