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Please take the time to read every word of this post. It is vital that you have a 100% understanding of this exciting news.

The first round of NetAudioAds™ Pay-Per-Play (PPP) Advertising Code has been released to those websites that were approved during NetAudioAds / Voice2Page crawl over the last few days.

As soon as you are able, take a moment to place the PPP code on every website and every web page that you intend to play 5 second audio ads to your visitors.

If your site was approved then you should have received a URL to visit (by email) to get your code from V2P Communications (Voice2Page/NetAudiAds). Follow the instructions carefully.
The email carries the subject “Adlet code for your websites”.


NetAudioAds crawled 3,000,000 websites that were registered from over 9,000 PPP core partner affiliates just like you.

What does this mean?

This means that people love the PPP offer, so you should encounter very little resistance when offering it as many of you already know. We still have a long way to go… Remember our goal is to become the largest advertising medium the world has ever known and we are getting close after just 3 weeks!

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Visit NetAudioAds™ Pay-Per-Play Site Here
